Quantum random walk
- proposed by Alberto Verga (Alberto.Verga@univ-amu.fr, Tel. 0632078229 )
- Institut: Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT)
The classical random walk is related to diffusion: the spreading of an initially localized state, grows as the square root of time. In contrast, a quantum random walk spreads much faster, linearly in time. Classical randomness is replaced by quantum interference (unitary evolution) and measure (projection). In this project we are interested in the study of quantum random walks using numerical methods, in particular to determine their topological and localization properties. We will start with the simplest model, that can be coded in a few lines using python and also can be treated analytically, in which the random walker changes its position on a lattice, according to its spin state. Variants of this model can be used to investigate entanglement and disorder effects.
- Prerequisites: none
- References: Kempe, Venegas-Andraca
- Simple code example on the Susan Stepney blog.