Random physics

Alberto Verga, research notebook

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Lectures and projects

Quantum Information

A master course about the theory of quantum information covering the basic principles, circuits, algorithms and entanglement measures, open systems and error correction. Applications include the Kitaev toric code, the cluster states and the physical realization of qubits.

Statistical Physics

Graduate (master first year) course on statistical mechanics, from Gibbs ensembles to interacting systems. Emphasis is on quantum gases, phase transitions, and lattice models.

Classical and Quantum Chaos

Graduate course on classical chaos, plasmas, and quantum chaos. The approach is phenomenological, with a brief presentation of the theoretical concepts in parallel with computations (mostly numerical) of specific systems.

Mécanique quantique

L’objectif du cours c’est d’introduire les fondements de la mécanique quantique et de les appliquer à des systèmes simples: postulats, systèmes à deux niveaux, symétrie, perturbations et diffusion.

Computer work

  • Outils numériques. Travaux pratiques sur unix, python, et méthodes de calcul (suites, intégrales, analyse de données, équations différentielles, fourier, nombres aléatoires).

  • Project on scientific typesetting. Three tutorials on the LaTeX typesetting system, the structure of a scientific report, and useful tools: bibliography, sketchy diagrams and graphics with python.